Monday, October 8, 2007

The Basics of College Sholarships

Ok, if you're here, I'm assuming you're broke. As broke as I was, maybe more. I'm glad to tell you, there is hope. Here, I'll outline the 3 ways I found to get useful scholarships.
1) Random Contests
These are nice, because they're easy. You have a chance at winning (I won $1850), and it doesn't cost you a dime. Also, there's no essays involved, which is HUGE when you're on a scholarship hunt. Those absorb an ungodly amount of time.
Oh yeah, and did I forget to mention? This contest is worth $10000, with MONTHLY drawings!

2)Standard, Ol' Fashioned Scholarships
You don't have to be an asian paraplegic midget to get one of these. There's one of these for everyone. However, it's a huge hassle to find them. However, there's several free online services that can help you find them. These make up the bulk of my tuition.
Here's a link to the one I used, and I couldn't be happier.
Here's one more which is well known, but perhaps a bit over saturated.
(Click Here for the 2nd offer)

3)Student Loans
These are not the terrible thing they once were. There's been a lot of improvement in the field, and I myself, even being the scholarship guru I am, had to take one or two out. The trick is to find a reputable bank that's not too picky.
Click here for the bank I used.
It's the leading service, and approved me easily. If nothing else, drop in, sign up, and get a quote from them. They're pretty good, and it can't hurt to try.